Saturn and Uranus Conspire ~ 27 Nov 2020

The sign above a business might read: “McGillicutty and Sons.” However, Uranus quickly and adamantly notes that despite the fact that Uranus and Saturn have a father-son relationship, the business title could read to include offspring of any gender or gender identity. Saturn’s point is the father passes along the business to the offspring who express interest in carrying on the family name. Then once dad’s out of the way, they do their own thing and apply their Gen Omega ideas. Gen Omega because what we call what comes after Gen Z’ers will have to be something similar to how hurricanes are named once the alphabet is all used up.

Anyway, we’re going to have a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in less that a month. Then both Jupiter and Saturn move on to be roused by Mars and head into their respective squares with Uranus. While Jupiter reigns over the other lords of the solar system and his proclamations apply to both Saturn and Uranus, it might be worth a look at the relationship between Saturn and Uranus to see if we can figure how they intend to conspire in the upcoming aspect patterns.

Conspire? Indubitably.

There’s a distinctive overlap in space of where astronomers define that actual constellations of the zodiac to be. Such an overlap of constellations on the ecliptic occurs only with Capricorn and Aquarius and it ranges twenty degrees wide. Hmm. The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, and the co-rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus, soon move into the first of three (almost four) squares, bringing that constellational/common cause overlap with it.

The first square between these planetary players occurs with Saturn and Uranus direct on 17 February 2021. As June rolls around, Saturn, now retrograde, returns for another square to Uranus, in direct motion. Finally, on 24 December to usher out 2021, Saturn direct and Uranus retrograde square exactly for the last time in this cycle.

It should be noted, the last of these patterns replicates within one degree of exactitude in October 2022. Though the precise longitudinal aspect does not occur, given these gaseous giants and their complicated relationship, that’ll count and will also pack notable influence.

To set the stage of the sky, Saturn moves from earth to air, Capricorn to Aquarius, presumably lightening up a bit as he waves goodbye to his home turf where his motion is most deliberate and takes on the sky sector over which he shares rulership dominion Aquarius. Not that long ago, Uranus wrapped up a chaotic tenure through Aries, and moved from fire to earth. While in Aries and aligning with Eris (2016), boy, did they create chaos and mayhem, much to Eris’ delight. Now in Taurus, Uranus supports the merits of solid ground and foundations, given they remain open-minded and consciously considerate.

As these two planets approach the first square, let’s take a look at what motivates each planet:

What does Saturn want? Saturn’s north node (heliocentrically) is in Cancer, as is the point where he comes closest to the Sun, perihelion. In fact, Saturn’s perihelion squares the center of our local cluster of galaxies, the Super Galactic Center. The combo of these influences suggests that Saturn yearns for stability, security, comfort within ones core, familial unit. With the influence of the Super Galactic Center involved, the observation suggests that Saturn places high value on such familiar things, and he also insists that boundaries be maintained and each member of the family unit knows her, their or his place.

What does Uranus want? His north node lies in Gemini, his closest contact to the Sun precisely posits in Virgo. Uranus thrives on the details of life. He loves considering options and alternatives and his nature is fueled by mnemonic speculation. It is worth noting that with the formative mutable signs that influence his orbit, he could be inclined to remain in a state of perpetual consideration and not require a final decision as an absolute. He might be okay in flux and inspired by the whim of the moment.

Upcoming we have stay-in-your-lane Saturn tensely confronted by the endless probabilities posed by Uranus. Saturn wants things settled and he wants whomever is assigned a task to finish it on time, dammit. That’s how we know where we are. Uranus teases that’s no fun. Where’s the spirit of adventure? How about considering some grease for those creaking gears? What about a different grind for gusto ahead? To remain the same and work with what’s familiar and known. To alter the course and move into certain uncertainty. What a rub!

Bottom line here’s a to-do list of details to extract the best delineation of this aspect possible:

Clearly and consciously assess all mundane factors in life.
Define what works and produces high-quality results. Make a note to keep all that in place.
Notice what does not work well or produces mediocre results at best.
Conduct a mental survey to put on the thinking cap of “what could be done differently to maximize improved life results?”
Define action details and assign a timeline for dutiful engagement of defined tasks.
Collect your energy, get some rest, focus resolve and set dharmic determination.
Then, when throbbing with accumulated intent and energy, initiate!
Make a note to consider all options presented, unexpected environmental factors, and/or adjustments to assessed time and budget.
Add valid, progressively-oriented new details to the mix; expeditiously include them.

Here’s the big picture. Keep what works. Throw out what doesn’t and replace it with something better. Enthusiastically pursue your goals without expectation. Ask yourself: If the Universe had something better in mind for all your needs and purposes, you’d accept it the moment it arrives right?

Before you know it, life will demand each and every thought conjured during the pandemic. Pursuit of promises made during isolation combined with goals and objectives not realized before the coronavirus concerns need full and immediate application. The promise of the Saturn-Uranus squares insists life is going to be better than ever... as long as you’ll realize and engage the changes required.

It’s no cosmic coincidence that these two have come to share a perceived overlap in our solar system. Saturn and Uranus share objectives of accomplishment and progress. It’s not coincidence that they are wedged between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune. Saturn and Uranus conspire to accept the challenges of the opportunities presented by Jupiter and offer them up to Neptune for propitiation in the interest of even more inspired creativity and activated awareness.

Sure, Saturn and Uranus imply shifts. Work the cosmic clutch and use these gaseous planet gears to reach for what is practical and achievable and what lies beyond. Can you spell 2-0-2-1!?

More soon.